What the hell is Ten Bears Gymwear?

We’re an alternative gymwear brand thats making the stuff you’ve been looking for your whole life, you total badass.

We’ve seen you at the gym, shaking your head in despair as snowflakes prance about like its a spandex fashion show. You turn up ready to tear shit up and everyone is dressed like a power ranger, posting their half-arsed workout to tiktok like a bunch of fucking idiots.

You don't want to turn up looking like those morons. You want gymwear that makes a statement - and that statement is "I'm here to fuck shit up!"

Well, thats Ten Bears.

We make tough, gnarly gym wear for tough, gnarly people.

You want something to pout in doing a selfie? Prance off somewhere else pal, there's no end of options. We're here for the roughnecks, the savages, and the down and dirty double hard bastards who want something different!

All our garments are road tested to make sure they can stand up to proper training, with tough, individual designs that don't take themselves too seriously.

All our gymwear is hand finished here in the UK.

We're a small, independent company run by hard training, alternative mofos just like you. And we're here to save you from tedious gymwear.

Why Ten Bears?

Ten Bears was a badass Comanche Indian Chief.

Its also an informal unit of measurement for big, tough, gnarly shit - e.g. don't fuck with that guy, he's as rough as ten bears.